Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 7, 2018

Play Berserker Now


Best Complimented by Commando, Gunslinger, Sharpshooter

The Berserker is Killing Floor 2’s melee specialist, so if you’re the kind of person that likes to get up close and personal with enemies, this is the Perk you’ll want to go with. This Perk can be a bit harder to play successfully than the others because of the attention you’ll need to pay to your surroundings and the extra complication of the Melee Weapons system.

As you’re going to be in the middle of the fray, as a Berserker you’ll be much easier for Zed to surround. Although you do have the advantage of not being able to be grabbed, massed Zed can bring you down fast if you’re not on your toes. The key to using the Berserker is the proper use of blocking and parrying, which is something that only melee weapons can do, and making sure to switch up from regular attacks for smaller Zed and power attacks for the big boys. The Berserker’s EMP grenades can stun Zed as well, so if you get surrounded, throw one down in front of you and hightail it out.


Riptide GP:Renegade game

Berserker skills give you a mixture of more health, more speed, and stronger attacks. The two main builds for this Perk are to either be a powerful tank, doing massive melee damage and having enough health to stay in the brawl for extended periods of time, or to be a speed demon, dancing around larger Zed and striking when the time is right.

The Berserker is best utilized by tying up the enemy so that your companions with ranged weapons can pick off the Zed trying to surround you without getting surrounded themselves. You’re going to be in the center of the battle so any Perk that can make sure you don’t get overwhelmed or that Zed don’t get past you will make a great partner.

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